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MacBook Pro partially closed

Macs are like any other computer. Sometimes , and sometimes they won’t shut down. If your Mac is refusing to shut off, here’s how to shut it down anyway—and, hopefully, permanently fix the problem.

Mac与其他任何计算机一样。 有时,有时它们也不会关闭。 如果您的Mac拒绝关闭,则无论如何都可以通过以下方法将其关闭,并希望能够永久解决该问题。

如何关闭Mac (How to Shut Down Your Mac)

Shutting down your Mac is as simple as clicking on the Apple logo on the menu bar at the top of your screen, then choosing “Shut Down…” followed by “Shut Down” in the box that appears. If you’re feeling particularly impatient, you can hold the Option button on your keyboard while clicking the menu option to prevent that confirmation box appearing at all.

关闭Mac非常简单,只需单击屏幕顶部菜单栏上的Apple徽标,然后在出现的框中选择“ Shut Down…”,然后选择“ Shut Down”。 如果您特别急躁,可以在单击菜单选项的同时按住键盘上的Option按钮,以防止该确认框出现。

macOS Shut Down Dialog

Once you’ve started the shutdown process, you need to wait. Even if you leave the box checked to “Reopen windows when logging back in” you’ll still have to wait for your currently-open applications and windows to close before your Mac shuts down.

启动关闭过程后,您需要等待。 即使您选中了“重新登录时重新打开窗口”复选框,您仍然必须等待当前打开的应用程序和窗口关闭,然后再关闭Mac。

Assuming your Mac won’t shut down, it’s time to try a few more things.


软件可能会导致关机问题 (Software Can Cause Shut Down Issues)

Sometimes software can prevent your Mac from shutting down properly. Occasionally your Mac will notify you that “Application blocked shut down” and sometimes you won’t see any errors at all. First, try closing all of your applications by right-clicking (or two-finger clicking) on their icons in the dock, and choosing “Quit.”

有时,软件可能会阻止Mac正常关闭。 有时,您的Mac会通知您“应用程序已阻止关闭”,有时您根本看不到任何错误。 首先,尝试通过在扩展坞中的图标上单击鼠标右键(或两指单击)来关闭所有应用程序,然后选择“退出”。

You can force quit any apps that aren’t responding or won’t close. Right-click (or two-finger click) the app’s icon, hold the Options key on your keyboard, then click “Force Quit” and the app should close. You can then try shutting down again.

您可以强制退出任何未响应或无法关闭的应用程序。 右键单击(或两指单击)该应用程序的图标,按住键盘上的Option键,然后单击“强制退出”,该应用程序应关闭。 然后,您可以尝试再次关闭。

Force Quit a macOS App

If this doesn’t work, it’s possible that a background process has crashed and is causing the issue. Open up Activity Monitor (hit Command + Spacebar then search for it) and click on the CPU tab. You can order the “% CPU” column by descending order to see if any apps are using a high amount of CPU power. If they are, click on them to highlight them, then click on the “X” at the top left to kill the process.

如果这不起作用,则可能是后台进程崩溃并导致了问题。 打开活动监视器(单击Command +空格键,然后搜索它),然后单击CPU选项卡。 您可以按降序排列“%CPU”列,以查看是否有任何应用程序正在使用大量CPU。 如果是这样,请单击它们以突出显示它们,然后单击左上方的“ X”以终止该过程。

Other apps that may have crashed will be highlighted in red, followed by a label that says “(Not responding).” You’ll need to click on these then click on the “X” to kill them too. Assuming you’ve gotten rid of any errant processes, it’s time to try shutting down again.

其他可能已崩溃的应用程序将以红色突出显示,然后带有一个标有“(无响应)”的标签。 您需要单击它们,然后单击“ X”也将其杀死。 假设您摆脱了所有错误的流程,是时候尝试再次关闭了。

拔下所有外围设备 (Unplug Any Peripherals)

Peripherals may also cause issues when trying to shut down your Mac. For best results disconnect any attached peripherals and try again. If you’re using an iMac, you can try unplugging everything except your mouse or Magic Trackpad (though keyboards shouldn’t cause an issue).

尝试关闭Mac时,外围设备也会引起问题。 为了获得最佳结果,请断开所有连接的外围设备,然后重试。 如果您使用的是iMac,则可以尝试拔下除鼠标或Magic Trackpad以外的所有东西(尽管键盘应该不会引起问题)。

Safely remove any external drives by right-clicking on them and choosing “Eject [DISK]” or by clicking and dragging the volume to the Trash can. If you can’t get a drive to eject, then you may have found your issue. You may see a new window pop up with a choice to “Force Eject…” which you can try.

右键单击所有外部驱动器,然后选择“弹出[DISK]”,或者将其拖动并拖到垃圾箱即可安全地删除所有外部驱动器。 如果无法弹出驱动器,则可能是您发现了问题。 您可能会看到一个新窗口弹出,您可以尝试选择“强制弹出...”。

Force Eject a Volume in macOS with Terminal

Otherwise, you can force eject via the Terminal with the following command (replace “DISK” with whatever your drive is called):

否则,您可以使用以下命令通过终端强制弹出(将“ DISK”替换为您的驱动器):

diskutil unmountDisk force /Volumes/DISK

To get a list of attached drives run this command first:


diskutil list

如果其他所有方法均失败:强制重新启动Mac (When All Else Fails: Force Restart Your Mac)

If your Mac still won’t shut down, the only thing left to do is to figuratively “pull the plug” and force a shutdown. This works on both desktop Macs and MacBooks. To do this, first press and hold the Control and Command keys, then hold the Mac’s power button.

如果您的Mac仍然无法关闭,那么剩下要做的就是以象征性的方式“拔下插头”并强制关闭。 这适用于台式机Mac和MacBook。 为此,请先按住Control和Command键,然后按住Mac的电源按钮。

If you don’t have a power button, then you’ll need to hold Control and Command plus the Eject button or the Touch ID button instead. Keep the button held down for around 10 seconds, after which your Mac’s screen should go black. Wait about 30 seconds before starting your machine up again.

如果没有电源按钮,则需要按住Control和Command加上Eject按钮或Touch ID按钮。 按住按钮约10秒钟,然后Mac的屏幕将变黑。 等待约30秒钟,然后再次启动计算机。

Note: This should only be used as a last resort. The shutdown process is put in place to protect core system files that should always be properly closed before the machine powers off. Your Mac will likely function just fine after a forced restart, but there is always a risk in doing this. If something went wrong and your Mac will no longer start up, learn .

注意:这只能用作不得已的方法。 关机过程已经到位,以保护核心系统文件,在关闭机器电源之前应始终将其正确关闭。 强制重启后,Mac可能会正常运行,但是这样做总是有风险的。 如果出现问题并且Mac无法再启动,请学习 。

A restart will fix the vast majority of problems that prevent your Mac from shutting down properly. If this problem becomes more frequent, you’ll need to get to the source of the issue with the steps below.

重新启动将解决导致Mac正常关闭的绝大多数问题。 如果此问题变得更加频繁,则需要使用以下步骤来找到问题的根源。

防止将来出现关机问题 (Preventing Shut Down Problems in Future)

If the issue is being caused by software, you can take some steps towards rectifying it. If an app was stopping your shut down procedure, try that may fix the issue. You may want to ditch the app in favor of an alternative if such an option exists. Try restarting your Mac without first running the problem software.

如果问题是由软件引起的,则可以采取一些措施来纠正它。 如果某个应用正在停止关闭过程,请尝试可能解决了该问题的。 如果存在这样的选项,您可能希望放弃该应用程序,转而使用其他选项。 在首先运行问题软件的情况下,尝试重新启动Mac。

macOS Software Update

macOS also needs to be regularly updated to keep on top of issues. You can check for software updates under System Preferences > Software Update. While you’re there, you can enable automatic updates by clicking on “Advanced…” then checking the relevant boxes.

macOS还需要定期更新以保持最新状态。 您可以在系统偏好设置>软件更新下检查软件更新。 当您在那里时,可以通过单击“高级...”然后选中相关复选框来启用自动更新。

进入安全模式 (Boot into Safe Mode)

Restarting your Mac in safe mode may also help stop the problem from happening again in the future. When you start your Mac in safe mode, the startup disk is scanned for issues and macOS will try to fix any problems that are detected. Safe mode also deletes font, kernel, and system caches, along with a few other things.

以安全模式重新启动Mac也可能有助于防止将来再次发生此问题。 在安全模式下启动Mac时,将扫描启动盘中的问题,macOS将尝试修复检测到的所有问题。 安全模式还会删除字体,内核和系统缓存,以及其他一些内容。

To boot your Mac into safe mode:


  1. Turn your Mac off (you may need to force shut down).

  2. Press the power button then immediately press and hold the Shift key (either one).

  3. Release the Shift key when you see the login window and log in as usual.


When you restart your computer, it will boot back into regular mode. Safe mode isn’t the only alternative startup mode for your Mac, check out the .

重新启动计算机后,它将重新引导回常规模式。 安全模式不是Mac唯一的替代启动模式,请查看的。

重置您的SMC和PRAM / NVRAM (Reset Your SMC and PRAM/NVRAM)

The System Management Controller (SMC) is responsible for low-level functions on your Mac, including power management, battery charging, and keyboard backlighting. Sometimes power issues can be caused by the SMC, so it makes sense to try resetting the SMC if you’re having chronic shut down problems.

系统管理控制器(SMC)负责Mac上的低级功能,包括电源管理,电池充电和键盘背光。 有时,电源问题可能是由SMC引起的,因此,如果您遇到长期关机问题,尝试重置SMC是有意义的。

The process is straightforward but differs depending on whether you have a MacBook with an internal battery, a MacBook with a removable battery, or a desktop computer like an iMac. Find out .

该过程很简单,但是根据您所使用的是带有内置电池的MacBook,带可移动电池的MacBook还是台式机(如iMac)而有所不同。 了解 。

macOS Keyboard Shortcut for Resetting NVRAM/PRAM

Nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) or Parameter RAM (PRAM) is used by your Mac to store settings like startup disk preference, display resolution, and time zone information. It’s unlikely that NVRAM/PRAM will affect how your Mac shuts down, but if you’re still having issues at this stage, it’s probably worth a shot.

Mac使用非易失性RAM(NVRAM)或参数RAM(PRAM)来存储诸如启动磁盘首选项,显示分辨率和时区信息之类的设置。 NVRAM / PRAM不太可能影响Mac关闭的方式,但是如果您在此阶段仍然遇到问题,那么可能值得一试。

The process for resetting this memory is the same across the board:


  1. Make sure your Mac is powered off.

  2. Press and release the power button (or Touch ID button on some MacBooks) then immediately press and hold Option + Command + P + R on your keyboard.

    按下并释放电源按钮(或在某些MacBook上为Touch ID按钮),然后立即按住键盘上的Option + Command + P +R。
  3. After around 20 seconds you can release these keys, and your Mac should start up as usual.


After resetting NVRAM/PRAM, you may need to adjust settings like display resolution, startup disk, and time zone. Now try to restart or shut down your Mac normally to see if you still have issues.

重置NVRAM / PRAM后,您可能需要调整显示分辨率,启动磁盘和时区等设置。 现在,尝试正常重启或关闭Mac,以查看是否仍有问题。

仍然有问题吗? 尝试核选项 (Still Got Problems? Try the Nuclear Option)

When all else fails, you can always format your drive and reinstall macOS. You should first  to save your files. Avoid using any third-party disk cloning software for backing up (we’re after a clean install after all).

当其他所有方法均失败时,您始终可以格式化驱动器并重新安装macOS。 您首先应该以保存文件。 避免使用任何第三方磁盘克隆软件进行备份(毕竟我们是在全新安装后)。

You can then follow the instructions to . Remember that you’ll need to restore your Time Machine backup and reinstall any software you want once you’ve done so. This isn’t a quick process, so set aside an hour or two before you start.

然后,您可以按照说明。 请记住,完成此操作后,您将需要还原Time Machine备份并重新安装所需的任何软件。 这不是一个快速的过程,因此请在开始之前预留一两个小时。

A fresh install should clear up the issue for good. It can also solve other problems caused by leftover kernel extensions and partially uninstalled software. You may notice your Mac is faster and you’ll have plenty of free space too.

全新安装应该可以彻底解决问题。 它还可以解决由剩余内核扩展和部分卸载的软件引起的其他问题。 您可能会注意到Mac速度更快,并且还有足够的可用空间。




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